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Please consider telling your network about Feed the People SF. Your care and connections are our main path to growth and sustainability.


Here are links to our social media handles and relevant posts for easy sharing with your do-good networks. There is even an email sample. I know we think of everything!

Thanks as always for support and partnership.

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Sample Instagram Text

Join me in supporting @FeedThePeopleSF, serving 1000 hot meals every month to the unhoused in San Francisco!

Go to now to learn more and donate!

#FeedThePeople #SF #FeedThePeopleSF #MutualAid #FeedTheUnhoused #EatTheRich #SolidarityForever #HousingIsAHumanRight #Inequality #SF #Tenderloin #FuckCapitalism #Anarchism #Socialism

 Sample Email Text

Subject: Join me in feeding the unhoused in SF

Join me in supporting in their mission to serve 1000 meals a month to unhoused people in San Francisco. Go to to learn more and donate.

Solidarity Forever!

[Your Badass Self]