Tyrone and Keith
I ran into Tyrone and Keith on Larkin and Ellis. They were hanging out and chatting when I offered them some tamales and explained that I’m starting a mutual aid fund to feed the people in the neighborhood. Keith exclaimed “We were just talking about exactly this! Yes, someone has to start doing this ‘cause the city ain’t doing shit!” Keith was a bit shy so declined an interview, but he did pay me several compliments on my cooking which was much appreciated. Tyrone agreed to talk for a few minutes about living outdoors in SF and his thoughts on the government’s response to the day to day struggle of the unhoused in this city.
“ I fought in two different wars for this country and they left me behind. I’ve been on the Section 8 waitlist for 17 years and nothing… We don’t take care of our own in this country but boy can they send us all over the place to defend it...”
“I don’t typically sleep in the Tenderloin, I’m usually over in Hayes Valley, I come here to see my friends. But it’s bad all over, there’s just more people around this neighborhood so it’s more obvious, but it’s all over… It was bad for a long time but since COVID hit it’s gotten even worse, and I don’t know if it’s ‘cause there are so many more people who need help now or what but it seems like they are offering even less than before.
San Francisco isn’t doing anything to help the people out here, I’ve got friends who the city put up in a hotel for a few months and now they just got a notice that they have to leave. Now what was the point of telling them they could stay there and then just throw them back out on the streets? This is all about the Haves and the Have Nots, and those who are Have Nots ain’t got nothing coming, and that’s how it’s always been and it’s getting worse now.
We keep looking to our government and they keep giving us nothing. I fought in two different wars for this country and they left me behind. I’ve been on the Section 8 waitlist for 17 years and nothing… We don’t take care of our own in this country but boy can they send us all over the place to defend it...
People gotta help people. People like you are making a difference man, keep this up, I appreciate you.”
I appreciate you too, Tyrone. Solidarity Forever.